About us


FILS d.o.o. is a family company that operates since 1992. From December 2003 the company is located at: Kamik 28, Banjole, 52100 Pula, at a business building of 300 m2 with office space and a workshop. The company today has cca. 20 vehicles and about 30 full-time employees. The main activity of the company is passenger transportation, which includes transfers, bus lines, TAXI and occasional services. Occasional services are managed individually, creating transport solutions for costumers, and it is a transport service tailored for tourism, organizing transfers and bus rent.

The company wants to build a recognizable image of the quality of service provided, the professionalism of staff and the quality of the vehicle fleet.

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We exist to travel together. We are commited to understanding customer needs, quality, service and creating trust. We operate in an open and responsive manner and develop innovative solutions. Increasing value is the basic determinant of the company. We rely on the integrity, ability and commitment of our employees.

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To be different, to build trust in relationships with stakeholders and invest in knowledge, relationships, processes and vehicles.


 After 25 years of experience we are ready to provide you with a quality, reliable and tailor-made service. While aware of the choices you have, we believe that you will choose us right away.

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